finance investments advice

How to evaluate the risks of investments

2 min read  • 414 words
How to evaluate the risks of investments

When it comes to investing your money, it is important to consider the risks you are taking. This way, you will be able to make more informed and conscious decisions, protecting your financial patrimony.

But how do you evaluate the risks of investments? Here are some tips that can help you.

Consider volatility

Volatility is a measure of the variability of the prices of an investment over time. In other words, it indicates how much the value of an investment can change from one moment to another.

Investments with high volatility are riskier, as their value can change significantly in a short period of time. On the other hand, investments with low volatility are less risky, as their value changes in a more stable and predictable way.

Look at the risk-return ratio

The risk-return ratio is a way to compare the potential return of an investment with the risk you are taking. In other words, it indicates how much an investment could gain or lose in relation to the risk you are taking.

Investments with a high risk-return ratio are riskier, as they may offer a greater potential for gain, but also a greater possibility of loss. On the other hand, investments with a low risk-return ratio are less risky, as they offer a lower possibility of gain, but also a lower possibility of loss.

Consider your risk profile

Each person has a unique risk profile, which depends on their financial circumstances, investment objectives and risk tolerance. For example, a young person with a stable income and a long-term investment horizon may be more willing to take risks than an older person with a fixed income and a shorter investment horizon.

It is important to consider your risk profile when evaluating the risks of investments, in order to choose the investments most suited to your needs and objectives.

Talk to a financial advisor

Finally, one of the best ways to evaluate the risks of investments is to talk to a financial advisor. A professional financial advisor can help you understand the risks of investments and choose the ones most suited to your needs and objectives.

In addition, a financial advisor can also help you diversify your portfolio, reducing the total risk of your investment choices.


Evaluating the risks of investments is an important step to protect your financial patrimony and make informed and conscious investment decisions. By using these tips, you will be able to evaluate the risks of investments accurately and informedly.

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